Wednesday, December 20, 2006,10:26 AM
I'm Not Talking About Perfection Here

That phrase drives me nuts. Every time a preacher really gets going preaching about righteousness he suddenly feels the need to point out that we are not going to be perfect. In fact, we can't be perfect. That's like a cross country team rallying themselves up before a race and then the coach saying, "I know we are all excited now, but I know we probably won't win, the other school has some really strong runners and I don't want you to feel disappointed if you lose." This is a sure prescription for losing the race. Meanwhile, the other school's coach says, "we are going to win this race if it kills us." And they will win. It is a matter of perspective.

What are we so afraid of? Do we think that if we set perfection as the goal then the the first time someone sins they will quit? Of course not. Are we afraid people will feel guilty if they sin? Isn't that a good thing. Doesn't godly sorrow lead to repentance and then to salvation? If God is not convicting and chastising us then we are orphans not sons.

Jesus said we are to "hunger and thirst after righteousness." Paul said to make "no provision for the flesh." Shouldn't we have the goal of perfection, of holiness, of righteousness constantly before our eyes? Isn't that a major aspect of the kingdom (a new heaven & earth wherein dwells righteousness)? Ladies and gentlemen it is time to stop hedging our bets and fall unflinchingly, uncompromisingly, irrevocably into the hands of God--the place where we have nothing but God and if He doesn't pull us through, we will perish. Only in this place of craving to do what He wants and striving, suffering, fighting, for perfection can we ever hope to find it. All to the glory of God.
posted by sean
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