Monday, December 25, 2006,9:03 AM

I want to raise a controversial subject because I don’t understand why we aren’t talking about this subject more. There is obviously something going on here. Just yesterday five people were baptized. Four people we baptized last July, and two last August. Last April I was present at the baptism of two fellow-believers, and six other converts to the true understanding of the Kingdom and Jesus. Nearly three years ago now I was baptized. And at least two years before myself perhaps the first of our fellow-believers were ever baptized. This is a new development, we’ve never done as a community of faith. Now, some of us are changing in light of the scriptures. And there seems to be a refusal to talk about this issue openly and publicly. And I don’t understand that. Why aren’t we talking about this?

We shouldn’t be scared to talk about it. We shouldn’t be scared to change our beliefs. We shouldn’t be scared that we disagree. We should find our disagreement to be most interesting and dive into it to figure out the truth on the subject. We’ve had plenty of time to consider this idea of water baptism to warrant a discussion, haven’t we?

I earnestly pray that we can be Bereans in regards to this subject. And that we can seek unity on this issue. But we’ve first got to talk about it, don’t we?

posted by JohnO
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